Personalised one-to-one mentorship for changemakers, social entrepreneurs, and systems change leaders
A one-of-a-kind, systems-informed offer that blends the inner work with
the outer work so you leave with exactly what you need to make change work!

We base the content of the mentorship programme on where you are in these three stages of your changework journey so that you don’t get advice that doesn’t fit your unique challenges.
Seed: Identify or redefine your purpose
You’re at an exciting yet overwhelming crossroads:
You want to find or rediscover your purpose and figure out where you’re best positioned to make a difference in the world.
Because you know you can’t carry on doing “business as usual.”
Whether you’re right at the start of your journey to finding your unique contribution, or you're having a crisis because you realise the work you've been doing isn't what you thought it would be, you know that something needs to change.

You don’t know where to go from here
If you've been overthinking for months or feel paralysed by the number of options and scale of the problems... it can be totally overwhelming.
And you don’t know where to start. How do you decide on something so big and important as your life’s purpose?
How do you choose your first, or next, job when you might not even be sure which industry or sector is right for you?
What can you, as an individual, really do when the scale of the world’s problems is so large, and anything you could do feels like pouring a bucket of water onto a forest fire?
You’re spending so much time questioning, thinking, and wondering what to do next that you’re getting annoyed at yourself for even ‘wasting’ this time when you could already contribute to making a difference in the world.
But you don’t want to add to the noise, you simply want to realise your potential.

Defining or re-finding your purpose: it’s a unique kind of struggle
One that I understand so deeply because some 15 years ago, and several times since, I was where you are.
But by recognising your challenges, you’re already on the path towards a more fulfilling career and life.
With my support, you can:
→ Figure out, or redefine, your purpose and what your contribution to the world looks like, based on your one-of-a-kind life experiences, strengths and personality, so you finally have an answer to your big question of ‘What should I do?’
→ Begin to learn about systems change with the right knowledge materials for your experience, so you can learn in a simple yet impactful way.
→ Get clarity on the next steps to start to make your dream changework career a reality, with an easy-to-digest, personalised action list that will help you realise the true power you have to make change work.
→ Take aligned action to implement the steps and actually act on what you want to do, instead of putting them off in favour of other, potentially easier things.
Jump to offerRoot: Deepen and expand your contribution
You know how you want to contribute to a more just and regenerative future but the scale of what needs to happen to see that change doesn’t feel achievable
Teachers and education leaders go into the field hoping they can change the lives of future generations for the better.
Some politicians go into politics with a dream to change the world and overhaul legislation for the better, finally taking power away from the people who only seek to serve their own needs.
Climate activists start to change their habits and inspire others to do the same, hoping that by setting an example of consuming less, campaigning and attending protests, they’ll help turn the tide and prevent ecosystem collapse.
But the education leaders then realise that due to limiting policies and factors outside of their control, they can’t even do what they know would be best for the students in the school they’re in, let alone change the entire school system.
The politicians face a deadlocked parliament and incredibly well-funded lobbying to protect the status quo, so, despite their passion and best efforts, they barely make a dent and the same unjust laws remain.
The climate activists realise that the problems can’t be solved by individual behaviour change alone and that their calls for change fall on closed ears. They march with signs that read 'systems change not climate change’ but are unsure how to contribute to that.

The challenges seem so big they make you feel like an ant at the bottom of a mountain
Whatever sector you’re in, you’re deeply committed to your chosen cause. Yet, you’ve realised that what you’ve learned so far and the known go-to strategies aren’t enough to solve the challenges you’re so aware of.
What you’ve been doing hasn’t been working the way you want it to and the way you know it needs to, and you’re not sure what to do next.
When you started on your path, you didn’t know what you know now. You had starry-eyed hope. Now, the more you learn, the more you realise how difficult it is to truly address the root cause of an issue and shift a paradigm.
Just like everyone in life questions their knowledge, approach, or strategy at some point, every honest changeworker committed to profound transformation experiences this crisis of confidence you’re feeling. Myself included!
Resist the urge to run away from the difficult work of true systems change
As someone who has built a social innovation ecosystem to advance systems change in Switzerland and beyond, and supported dozens of aspiring systems change leaders, take it from me: there is an alternative to running and hiding. Here’s one that has kept me hopeful and motivated when it all seemed doomed:

Learn new strategies and methods of addressing complex challenges, and explore systems change even deeper so that it’s not a complex, distant idea that seems impossible, but instead something that you can realistically contribute to, something that can be achieved with the right knowledge, methods, allies, and belief you can do it.

With my support, you can:
- Gain a deeper understanding of systems change and the challenge you’re trying to address, so it becomes less overwhelming and more like something you can realistically contribute to.
- Learn new systems change tools and develop a specific strategy, allowing you to try something different to make a deeper impact in the field you're hoping to help transform.
- Shift your mindset and embrace the complexities of systems change and use that to deepen your understanding - instead of letting them overwhelm you.
- Get a clear path on the next steps to continue to learn what might be missing from your skills and identify potential allies
- Feel more certain that you’ll follow through with your recommended actions as I’ll be there with you, guiding you and encouraging you. And making sure things get done!
Bloom: Navigate and overcome the challenges of this work
If only you could simply do the systems change work you feel called to do without constantly running into walls
You’ve found the change work you’re meant to do, you’ve done the courses, the practical work, and learned even more through trying to implement it. You’ve found your purpose, something that can take many people an entire lifetime, and you know how you could contribute to systems change in your field.

Yet, the success of your initiative depends, mostly, on external factors you can’t control, like:
- Policy changes that are beyond your level of influence.
- The opinions of stakeholders and the public, who might be resistant to change, especially if they benefit from the status quo, and the process of changing beliefs is a long one.
- Securing funding and the continuous pressure to do so, causing you to feel burned out and struggling to give your cause the energy it needs, fuelling an exhausting cycle.
- The pressure of constantly trying to fit square pegs into holes in your fundraising, as most foundations are set up to fund 'simple' project work, not systems change work.
You question how long you can keep going like this
You’re asking yourself whether you can continue to commit fully to this cause because of the uncertainty and continuous pressure that make systems change work particularly difficult. You may have even quietly asked yourself, ‘Should I find an easier job that doesn’t drive me towards burnout?’
But you don’t want to complain about the challenges because “it’s not about you, it’s about the cause,” and you know there are others with much more life-threatening problems than yours.
But the world needs people who are working on systems change
And you don’t have to do it alone. Based on my 15 years of experience as a changeworker, 8 of which have been in the field of systems change, I deeply understand how lonely this work can feel. I also understand the level of support needed so you can begin to get through the challenges of this work with more joy and hope. This offering is what I wished existed when I first started.

With my support, you can:
✓ Better understand, name and thus prepare for the challenges you are facing, including power struggles and personal risks you might have been taking
✓ Figure out how to raise funds from a new direction or method to stop the stress-inducing cycle of looking for small buckets of inadequate funding.
✓ Develop strategies to overcome bureaucratic hurdles and increase your perceived legitimacy so that you can access the stakeholders you need to, based on all the tricks I’ve learned over the years so you move forward with a plan that will actually bring you results.
✓ Expand your network so that you can find support, inspiration and potential partners for your continued journey as a changeworker.
✓ Get hands-on and emotional support, recognising you’re not alone in experiencing what you are. You have the resources and insights to prepare for the next obstacle the system will throw at you so you can stop the fire from happening instead of constantly putting it out.
But most of all, I can lend you a listening ear so you can talk to someone who understands your position and who won’t ever think that your problems are not big enough.
Jump to offerOne-to-one changework mentorship
A mentorship and hands-on support programme where every leader and changeworker leaves with the strategies, guidance, and momentum to achieve their next impact goal
- Feel supported and not alone in your experience, giving you a new burst of energy and hope to continue on your path to bring your unique contribution to a better tomorrow.
- Move towards your changework goals with confidence knowing you’re doing everything you can without sacrificing your health or wellbeing.
- Gain big-picture clarity about your situation but also leave with concrete, tangible next steps.
- Feel better able to cope with the scale and complexity of the challenges you face, and those happening in the world.

I’m Nora, and I’ve spent the last 16 years navigating the world of change work
After years of dedicating my life to changework, I had the same realisation you’re having right now: that nothing I could do felt like enough. I’d worked in the field for over 7 years, and yet I felt like nothing had shifted the way I’d hoped. The problems were, and are, more complex than I’d thought, and the tools we’re taught in mainstream education and work are insufficient to address them.
Paraphrasing Albert Einstein
Problems aren’t solved with the same thinking used to create them, after all.
So, with youthful optimism, I threw myself into the field of systems change and took courses, invested in experts, devoured plenty of books, ran Social Innovation Labs, and advocated for systems change on national and global stages.
But, I felt:
- overwhelmed at the scale of the problems our world faces and how unprepared we generally are to address them
- exhausted because systems change is really, really hard work, as the general resistance to change gets stronger the deeper the change you advocate for, and I was facing backlash which no one prepared me for
- disappointed at the lack of support from funders or allies, and the lack of guidance from people who had walked this path before (not just in theory, but in practice)
- unsure of how to make a further impact when I couldn’t physically take on any more work or be in three different places at once
I spent years looking for answers, for someone who had figured this out, but I had to realise: there is no magic trick. I had to forge my own path towards deepening my impact without also deepening my burnout.
Nudged by some of my mentors, I created Parayma and this mentorship offer, putting my 16 years of experience, my deep network of trusted professionals, and my hardest-learned lessons in service of fellow changeworkers and social entrepreneurs like you. This offering is not just built on theory or lofty concepts, but first-hand experience of what it’s like to be a catalyst and leader on the ground / in the field.
Together, we will refine your positioning, craft a systems-informed strategy, and navigate any obstacles that stand in your way so you can move forward with a refreshed sense of inspiration and the actionable strategies needed to change the future. It would be an honour to support you on your journey.
You’ll go through my five steps to become a more hopeful, fulfilled and impactful changeworker
While the methods, advice, and strategies will be unique to the stage of your changework journey and individual situation, we’ll always go through a similar process so that everyone leaves the sessions with what they need to thrive.
Step 1:
Understand where you’re at
Where are you at? I take time to understand your situation and how you look at it. How are you seeing the challenges you’re addressing or facing? Are you equipped and well-positioned to address them and make your unique contribution? What are your goals and hopes for entering this process?
Step 2:
Fill in the blanks
We’ll identify what is missing for you to be able to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This could be self-knowledge, skills, systems change tools and strategies, contacts or funding – anything that needs to be there for you to reach your goals and overcome your challenges.
Step 3:
Make a plan and prioritise
Based on your long-term vision and what we mapped in step two, we’ll identify both low-hanging fruits and longer-term changes that hold a lot of potential. We’ll come up with a systems-informed strategy for each of those goals you would like to accomplish. This strategy might evolve as you start to action it, as it is a living document that should be tweaked as you go depending on what you learn and achieve. Either way, we’ll make sure you know what to prioritise so you don’t feel overwhelmed with what you need to do.
Step 4:
This is where we move into action. You’re in the lead, but there are many ways I can help you implement the strategy we have created in step three, such as offering you feedback on a concept note you draft, workshopping a fundraising dossier live on a call with you, and making suggestions based on my own practical experience. We can also take this outside of the calls themselves, for instance by introducing you to new stakeholders, exploring ways for you to secure speaking engagements or other platforms for your important work, and more. What the implementation phase looks like depends on if you’re in Seed, Root, or Bloom but in all cases, I will continuously support you and tap into my wide network to help you reach your goals.
Step 5:
Reflect & adjust
Transformative change work is rarely linear, so we will continuously reflect on what we are learning as you test and probe different approaches to addressing your challenges. These learning cycles help us refine the strategy and interventions. As we approach the end of the sessions, we will make sure to leave you with a clear roadmap for your next steps so there is no second-guessing as you continue on your path towards a thriving and impactful changework career.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get with this mentorship programme

- Five live 60-minute sessions, spread out over five to eight weeks, via an all-in-one platform where we will go through my five-step process.
- Access to Kajabi, the digital platform that will be our ‘hub’ for the duration of our time together. Through there, you can book the time for our next session, access any of the resources shared during our sessions, re-watch the recordings, and read or take any notes. You don’t have to worry about piecing together three different apps or trying to remember where the document is with your actions for the week, it’s all in one place!
- Any additional resources are shared during the sessions, as needed - from leaders to follow, books, worksheets, tools, recommendations for events, industry contacts… If there is something I can do to support you, I will do it - you will get my full support during our time together.
- My hands-on help on any concrete things you need help with – such as a systems map, brainstorming potential partners, funding application, introducing you to someone, improving your LinkedIn profile… whatever it is that is blocking you from making your contribution to the world, you won’t be left to figure it all out on your own.
- Whilst the bulk of our work together happens in our live sessions, if an urgent issue or question pops up in between, I will make myself available a few times a week to respond to messages for extra support.
- Clearly defined, actionable next steps for you at the end of each session, uploaded to Kajabi immediately after, with a check-in at the start of the next session to see how you’re getting on and keep you gently accountable. Of course, things can evolve and life happens so I won’t force you to stick to a linear plan that no longer makes sense!
- We’ll do a closing session in our last call, which includes clarity on where you’ll go from there and the actions for you to focus on.
- You’ll still have access to the recordings, and all the notes and materials shared to refer back to whenever you need.
- My aim is for you to not need me long-term – so if all goes to plan, you won’t need another session, but I am ready to offer single sessions to people I’ve worked with in the past who really need it. Unless you move into another stage of changework, then it’s time to apply again and deepen the cycle!
Your questions
I don’t have time to add more things to my to-do list!
When do I find out if I am on the waitlist?
What if I have a question?
What happens if I’m on the waitlist, do I have to join?
Will I have access to the recordings?
Are there scholarships available?
Will you help me fundraise?
Will you run another cohort?
Your investment: 1’500 €
founders round starting price!
1’250 €
✓ Five live 60-minute sessions
✓ Central Coaching Hub
✓ Personalised Resources
✓ Hands-on Help
✓ Extra Support via Messages
✓ Weekly Actionable Steps
✓ Closing Session
✓ Access to Recordings, Materials, and Notes
With payment plans and scholarships available.
Applications close on the 25th of March for a start date in April. When you click the button below you’ll be taken to an external application form.
Apply now for one of the 5 spots