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My Piece For Change

So glad youā€™re joining #MyPieceForChange!

Here are some ideas of what you could use this opportunity for:

Sharing your purpose/unique contribution, your role, what you do

Sharing what challenges you are facing, what you need, who you are looking to connect with

Sharing what you envision for the future, what you work towards, what keeps you going

This is your chance to become more visible with your work, ask for what you need or spread hope with your visions. Up to you!

Hereā€™s how it works:

  1. Decide what you want to share and put that into a short sentence (you can re-submit this form multiple times to tweak it as you wish, or have multiple designs you can share over the next few weeks)
  2. Enter your name if you would like to have it on the design (otherwise just leave it blank)
  3. Add a picture - this could be of you, you in action, a symbol image for your work or what you care about, or your vision. Totally up to you!
  4. You will get all 4 visuals delivered to you via email, so you can pick the one you like the most.

Ready? Go ahead and fill out the form below to receive your visuals ā†“

Create your piece for change

Respect & Inclusivity: We welcome diverse perspectives and experiences. However, posts containing hate speech, racism, discrimination, violence, or any form of harm will not be tolerated and may be removed from the campaign. Letā€™s create a positive and supportive space for change!