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The Transformation Loop of inner & outer work

tools & resources Feb 24, 2025
side by side of tree rings and finger print patterns

This model proposes a frame to think about the inner and outer work needed for transformation. It is intended to make explicit what awareness-based systems change takes, and to support in creating as well as maintaining alignment and coherence across different levels as we do this work.

A key component here is that this inner work is not only needed for us as individuals. It also pertains to the work of teams, who need to consider elements such as their principles, shared practices, roles and dynamics - all of which will influence the quality of what this team is able to produce. Similarly, the paradigms and culture of an organisation, as well as its governance structure and processes, will play a key role in the impact this organisation creates. What paradigms we replicate within, are what we carry to the outer world. Usually, this happens unconsciously - hence why part of doing the ‘inner work’ is taking steps to become aware of the patterns and issues, and taking care to shift them wherever possible.

On all levels, the inner work drives the outer work, which drives the impact. Each level contains the previous one, as we expand our sphere of influence and impact we continuously revisit and refine the previous layers in constant practice. Just because I have done the inner work in previous years to make a solid contribution to my team, does not mean I am done. As I evolve, as the challenges I am addressing evolve, I have to be consistent in my practice to reflect, deepen my awareness, and commit to the changes I see are needed. Sames goes for a team, or an organisation.

I believe the inner work and outer work go hand in hand if we seek to create change in the world. Some may dwell only in the inner work, and fear confronting themselves to reality, and actually trying something. People who completely exit the system and focus only on their well-being also fall into this category.

Others may be solely focused on the outer work, launching new project upon project, always in the doing energy - never pausing to reflect and learn. Or perhaps thinking the challenge has ‘nothing to do with me’, and others are the problem.

For me, it is clear that it is a loop. One will never be complete without the other. The inner work always informs the outer work, and vice-versa. No person, team or organisation can ever activate its full potential without consciously practising both.



What to use this tool for

The Transformation Loop can be used as a reflection tool by an individual, for instance to identify consider yourself, your team, the organisation you operate within and your whole ecosystem through the lens of inner & outer work. What is being done on the ‘inner’ side of your team and organisation for instance, is it aligned with what you collectively hope to achieve on the outside? Are the values of your programs and projects lived within the organisation?

On an individual level, are my choices, actions and how I show up as a changeworker or leader aligned with my values? With the future I want to help create? Am I contributing to my team, organisation or larger ecosystem to the best of my abilities? And are my own practices of self-reflection, accountability and presence strong enough to hold what I seek to do in the world? And so on and so forth.

Whether you use this tool as an individual or in a collective setting, it can help you identify potential leverage points: places and things that you could tweak, act upon, that would create considerable ripple effects. It could also be used to map and identify your field of influence, the places and instances where you could make a considerable contribution with your efforts.


How to use this tool

You could use this canvas as part of a process, or as a standalone tool. It could be introduced as a general framework to guide reflection, or as a specific tool to work through as individuals or a team. A team may for example use it to reflect on their collective “inner condition” and to identify which leverage point or layer they will work on first (e.g. clarifying the roles or guiding principles).

You have several options:

  • Take the version with the guiding keywords and print it out, replicate it on a flipchart of send around digitally to use it as a general model
  • Take the version without the guiding keywords and print it out, replicate it on a flipchart of send around digitally to use it as a tool to work on and fill out with a team
  • Insert the empty version in a Mural/Miro/other digital collaborative tool to fill it out collectively


Materials needed

  • The version of the model of your choosing, either printed, replicated or digital
  • Pens, markers, posts its or, if working digitally, devices & internet connection
  • The participants


Further literature and links to the topic


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