5R Framework
Feb 24, 2025
More and more people agree that we need to work towards systemic change. But how can we define it, and where to begin? Systems change can be understood as a change in how a system operates from the inside out. Besides deep shifts in the underlying paradigm(s), this includes changes in the Rules, Roles, Relationships and Resources that govern a given system (USAID, 2016). A change in any of these will hopefully also lead to a change in the Results and impact that a given system is producing, which is usually why we take action in the first place (having noticed shortcomings, challenges or problematic symptoms). The 5R framework can be a very useful starting point when beginning to work with a systemic lens, either alone or in a group. So let’s get into it!
First, some definitions:
- Rules include any laws, guidelines, norms, protocols, governance, traditions and other elements that direct behaviour and processes within a system.
- Roles refer to formal or informal roles given or taken by actors, including who is eligible for them.
- Relationships contain all the interactions and connections, or lack thereof, and their quality between different actors. This also includes relationships that are marginalized or unrecognised within a system
- Resources refer to both the scope and (non)distribution of different resources in the system, including financial and human resources, information, power, and more.
- Results are what this system produces, the outputs, outcomes or their impact on the short and long term.
How to use this tool
You have several options:
- Do an ecosystem map on a piece of paper or flipchart
- Do a digital ecosystem map, for instance within Mural/Miro/another digital white board or a dedicated tool
The materials needed are simply paper, pens, possibly posts-its, or devices to work digitally.
Step 1: ecosystem mapping
When beginning this process, it usually makes sense to start by mapping your system. Read the toolbox entry on ecosystem mapping for more detailed instructions on how to go about the process of creating your map. This will help you identify the Roles and Relationships within your system. Once you’ve completed that step, you can proceed with the ones below.
Step 2: Results
Write down the results of this system. What are the current outcomes? What are the effects? Most of the time there are shocking facts or statistics in this section that motivated you to work on this issue. So record all the grievances that come out of the current situation of the system. However, also record outcomes that you would consider positive, innovative and inspiring as you may want to preserve or strengthen them. You may also want to highlight outcomes from a long time ago (decades and centuries) that are worth mentioning here, for instance if you feel the system used to produce better results in the past.
Write down the resources that flow into the system. Where do resources such as money, power, visibility, raw materials, etc. come into this system, and to what extent? How and with whom are they shared, and who has access to which resource streams? Think also of building materials, land, human resources, knowledge, traditions or even religious resources - there are all kinds of resources that we draw upon as a society. Focus on those that are or should be considered as relevant to your system/theme. You can also record here if you have noticed that a certain resource is missing or not acknowledged as such.
Write down the rules that apply in your system. What laws or rules are there? What cultural or social codes and protocols exist? Think on the one hand of rules on the part of politics and the state, but also of agreements, unspoken rules, contracts, obligatory or customary processes... A system is often influenced by many rules from different fields, and guiding principles and traditions of how a particular system or society has been shaped over centuries.
This brings you to the first iteration of your systems map including the 5R! This is by no means a process you do once, or alone. This is a collective and iterative process and can support the deepening and creation of a shared understanding of a particular system.
Word of caution
One caveat that is important to mention here once again - simply because it is such a big fallacy that I have also fallen into - is that using such a tool can give you the impression that you have it all figured out. Except, systems and systemic change work are never that simple. If it were, we would have solved the problems long ago. Whenever you are tempted to design a one-shot “solution” or a linear plan executed without further inclusion of stakeholders, ask yourself if this is really the way to contribute to systems change. In my experience, most often it is not. We recommend using this tool together with the Iceberg Model to keep in mind how deep this issue runs. No one can shift a paradigm alone, and certainly not with the same old strategies that were used up to this point. Adding the Transformation Loop to your reflection process may help support this.
Let’s keep reminding ourselves that any tool exists for us to simplify complexity and be able to start to navigate better together. It shouldn’t make us blind by confusing our model with reality but help us to shed light on hidden, yet relevant dynamics. By making the implicit visible and becoming aware of it - individually and collectively - we might be able to help shift it, step by step, to a more healthy and life-affirming expression.
- USAID. (2016) The 5Rs Framework in the Program Cycle. Available at: https://usaidlearninglab.org/sites/default/files/resource/files/5rs_techncial_note_ver_2_1_final.pdf (Accessed: 15 April 2020)
- Presencing Institute
- Nora Wilhelm’s Cambridge dissertation
- The article was originally published on the blog of collaboratio helvetica
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